Sometimes if Apache instance may throw errors like "Connection Timeout", "Gateway Timeout" or "Site not reachable".


The first step I should take is to check my Apache Logs.
Check if logs showing something like below


[Mon Jul 19 08:10:51.957286 2021] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 4256] AH00161: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers setting

This means in the httpd configuration file I need to increase MaxRequestWorkers.
I cannot simply increase it as cloudjiffy will automatically restore default configuration on environment restart.


Steps to increase MaxRequestWorker:

1. Open httpd.conf

2. Remove jelastic auto-config line from httpd.conf

3. Increase MaxRequestWorkers in Prefork section

4. Save and restart Container

5. Done.

Once done with the above steps then check with the website.

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